By Lindsay Gsell
Maryland Newsline
Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009
1. Which of the following is not a component of a green roof?
Growing medium
Drainage layer
Filter membrane
Blanket water measure
2. According to the Green Roof for Healthy Cities’ 2008 industry survey report, which of the following North American cities has the highest square footage of green roof tops?
Vancouver, British Columbia
Washington, D.C.
New York
3. True or false: Despite the economic downturn in 2008, the green roof industry continued to grow.
4. What are the two ways that green roofs can be classified?
Extensive and intensive
Intensive and external
External and invasive
Flora and fauna
5. Which of the following is not a good quality for an extensive green roof plant to have?
High draught tolerance
Low growth heights
Needs irrigation
Does not spread seeds
6. True or false: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were an example of a green roof.
7. True or False: Green roofs cannot be built on slanted or sloped roofs.
8. North America has how many square feet of green roofing?
3.1 million
1.3 million
3.1 billion
1.3 billion
9. Which of the following plants would not be found on an extensive green roof?
Sedum album Talinum calycinum Allium schoenoprasum Quercus rubra
10. In July 2009, the U.S. Post Office installed a green roof on one of its offices. Which U.S. city is home to this green roof?