1. The origin of cake can be traced to what country?
2. What was done with wedding cakes in early Roman times?
They were served to
all the guests.
They were broken
over the bride's head as a sign of fruitfulness and good fortune.
Couples kissed
standing over them.
Husbands and wives
tossed a piece of them over their right shoulders for good luck.
3. President William Henry Harrison featured what kind of cake in the
shape of the U.S. Capitol at his inaugural ball in 1841?
4. The first published recipe for German chocolate cake came from who?
A German immigrant
Explorer Henrich
Chef Julia Childs
A Texas homemaker
5. How did pound cake get its name?
Originally each cake
weighed one pound.
The cake used to be
sold by the pound.
The cake only cost
one British pound.
The cake originally
contained one pound each of butter, sugar, eggs and flour.
6. How much did a slice of cake from the 1981 wedding of Princess Diana
and Prince Charles sell for in 2004?
100 British pounds
398 British pounds
540 British pounds
2,358 British pounds
7. What cake would President Ronald Reagan indulge in when his wife was
carrot cake
German chocolate
strawberry shortcake
chocolate mousse