Park" was painted by Val Lewton in
1991 after the College Park City Council asked him to help beautify the downtown shopping
district. The mural can easily be mistaken for a real building. It towers
next to Ratsie's pizza parlor, near the intersection of Baltimore Avenue and
Knox Road.
a D.C. resident, says the bottom of the mural was painted on a plywood board, similar to
those used for billboards. Two 2-x-4s were attached to the top of the brick building for
support. The top half of the mural extending off the building was constructed of steel.
The mural cost $35,000 and was federally funded by a Community Development
Block grant, Lewton says.
a successful project," Lewton says. "It's kind of neat to see it
wrapped around the side of the building, but an observer must look from
different angles to view it."