of the World and Tribute to Life" was painted by Jorge Luis Somarriba
with assists from children
from the Latin America Youth Center in Adams-Morgan. Somarriba is renowned in
the D.C.-metropolitan area for his multicultural murals, says Diane
Cottman, deputy director of planning and development for the Latin America
Youth Center.
at the 18th Street Adams-Morgan Parking Lot in NW Washington, was painted
on a wall-length billboard between the summers of 1988 and 1990. It shows
Mesoamerican motifs on a bright background.
says the children who assisted with the mural did so with the city's Summer Youth Employment program.
Teens 14 - 21 helped
develop sketches with the artist, measure dimensions of the board and paint.
who helped out received a minimum wage stipend or volunteer credit toward
high school graduation, Cottman says.
an incredibly, enduring picture that's there for them to go back to and
visit," she adds.