Reach the Beach
A Maryland Newsline Special Report


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Staying Safe in Summer Sun and Surf

By Danny Conklin
Maryland Newsline
Friday, April 29, 2005

1. How many types of ultraviolet rays are emitted by the sun?


2. The most common cause of sunburns are from which type of UV ray?


3. What is the body's natural defense to UV rays?


4. What period of time are the sun's rays typically the strongest in the North America?

8 a.m. to noon
9 p.m. to 6 a.m.
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
noon to 5 p.m.

5. What are rip currents?

weak currents that push toward the shoreline
strong currents running out to sea
a current that causes larger than normal waves
a current that causes no waves

6. The best way to get out of a rip current is:

swim parallel to the shore until you reach the current's end
panic, kick and scream for help
swim toward the shore
none of the above

7. In case of a shark attack, a person should:

play dead
punch the gills, eyes and snout
move wildly and splash to distract the shark
swim quickly away

8. The most fatal of all jellyfish stings comes from which jellyfish?

the Portuguese Man-of-War
the Arctic jellyfish
the Box jellyfish
the Irukandji jellyfish

9. What is the first thing someone can do to treat a jellyfish sting?

wash the sting in fresh water
wash the sting in clean salt water
apply aloe vera
tie a tourniquet to prevent the venom from moving

10. What does SPF stand for?

Sun Protection Factor
Solar Protection Fluctuation
Super Protective Field
Sun Prevention Force


Copyright © 2005 University of Maryland Philip Merrill College of Journalism

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