ANNAPOLIS - The number of Marylanders without health insurance grew 7.2
percent in one year, with thousands more of them young adults, health
officials told lawmakers Tuesday, figures that have legislators scrambling
to reverse the trend.
The Maryland Health Care Commission reported to the Senate Finance Committee
Tuesday that the number of Marylanders without health insurance increased from
690,000 to 740,000 in 2003, or 13.6 percent of the state population. That figure
exceeded the 12.8 percent uninsured in 2000.
The commission also reported that 40 percent of the uninsured are between the
ages of 19-34, something that lawmakers found alarming.
To counter these problems, Delegate Donald Elliott, R-Frederick, and Barbara
Hoffman, a former state senator, proposed some solutions to a work group after
Tuesday's commission briefing.
Elliott, who sits on the House Health and Government Operations Committee,
proposed a bill to levy a surcharge on the taxable income of Marylanders earning
more than 300 percent of the federal poverty level (about $56,000 for
individuals and $84,000 for married couples) who do not have health insurance.
The bill, which Elliott plans to introduce along with House health committee
Vice Chairman Peter Hammen, D-Baltimore, would mandate a 1 percent surcharge on
individuals' incomes and 2 percent on that of couples. The bill includes a
one-year grace period.
Health care advocates attending the meeting were supportive, but said the
move would be unprecedented.
Senators questioned whether Maryland should become the first state to impose
such a tax.
"We're going to dictate people's personal lifestyles" by passing the bill,
said Sen. Thomas Middleton, D-Charles, Senate Finance Committee chairman.
"That's not something we can take lightly."
The other proposal came in response to commission figures that show that
between 2001-2003 the number of employed Marylanders covered through
employer-sponsored health insurance decreased 3 percent (to 72 percent).
Hoffman, a state senator from 1983-2003, proposed the Fair Share Health Care
plan to reverse that trend. The plan calls for the state to require Maryland
employers with at least 10,000 full- and part-time employees to spend at least 8
percent of payroll costs on employee health coverage.
Opponents in the work group charged that only two for-profit companies would
be affected by the plan -- Wal-Mart and Giant Food Inc.
Hoffman countered, arguing that "this is not a target bill."
According to the advocacy coalition Health Care For All!, Montgomery County
Executive Doug Duncan, Baltimore City Mayor Martin O'Malley and a Giant Food
vice president will publicly endorse this plan Wednesday afternoon in Annapolis.
Middleton promised there would be some new legislation this year because the
committee wants to make health care affordable, accessible and attractive to 20-
and 30-somethings.
As a start, both the House and Senate passed bills in 2004 requiring the
commission to investigate the affordability of private health insurance and to
present its findings in January 2006.
The commission presented its interim report to the Senate Finance Committee
on this issue Tuesday. It stated that, while more lower-income people are now
uninsured, fewer medium-income people now go without insurance. Young
Marylanders, it said, do not pay for health insurance because it is too
expensive for individuals to purchase and for employers to provide. It costs the
state millions of dollars annually to support the uninsured.
"We seem to have designed a plan that doesn't accomplish what we wanted it to
do," said Sen. E.J. Pipkin, R-Queen-Anne's, complaining that many young Maryland
adults "still play health insurance roulette."
Copyright © 2005 University of Maryland Philip Merrill College of Journalism
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