Quiz: What Do You Know About Underage Drinkers in Maryland?
Maryland Newsline
Friday, Dec. 3, 2010

Test your knowledge about underage drinking regulations and the effects of alcohol.
1. Drivers 21 and over could be cited for a DUI if the blood alcohol level in their system is at least:
0.00 percent
0.02 percent
0.08 percent
0.15 percent
2. What constitutes binge drinking?
Two or more drinks in about two hours
Three or more drinks for men or five or more drinks for women in about two hours
Four or more drinks in about two hours
Five or more drinks for men or four or more drinks for women in about two hours
3. How many deaths among youth under 21 occur each year in the United States due to excessive alcohol consumption?
Less than 500
Less than 2,300
More than 4,600
More than 10,200
4. About what percentage of all alcohol consumed in the United States do people aged 12 to 20 drink?
11 percent
23 percent
38 percent
55 percent
5. About how many people under 21 were admitted into U.S. emergency rooms in 2008 for alcohol-related incidents?
6. At what age can an individual sell wine and beer in retail stores and work as a server in a restaurant that sells alcohol in Maryland?
7. When can someone under 21 be cited for consuming an alcoholic beverage in Maryland?
When they are observed possessing an alcoholic beverage
When there are witnesses that can testify to the act
When they have a level of BAC above 0.08 percent
When they can’t walk in a straight line
8. When can underage drinkers legally drink in Maryland?
When they are in their own dorm room
When they are at a high school sporting event
When they are at a college orientation party
When they are participating in a religious ceremony