Police and community members react to the Oct. 12 stabbings in downtown College Park. (Video by CNS-TV's Tori Blake) More videos.
Calls for emergency transports from University of Maryland dorms to hospitals for alcohol abuse have climbed over the last four years.
After a month of harsh words from University of Maryland Police and scrutiny by the county Liquor Control Board, Thirsty Turtle owner Alan Wanuck voluntarily turns in the College Park bar's liquor license.
Special Report front and index pages published Dec. 14, 2010. Special Report and graphics produced by Maryland Newsline's Justin Karp and Tami Le. Reporting by Karp, Le and CNS-TV's Tori Blake and Danielle Lama. Editing by Maryland Newsline's Chris Harvey and CNS-TV's Sue Kopen Katcef.
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