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The State House bids goodbye to long-time members; Prince George's County Executive-elect
Jack Johnson plans to improve relations with police. (Nov. 6, 2002 1:46 minutes)
Post-election reaction from winners Robert Ehrlich and Chris Van Hollen and the defeated Kathleen Kennedy Townsend and
Connie Morella. (Nov. 6, 2002; 10:46 minutes)
Rep. Robert Ehrlich discusses Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend's record on
crime; Townsend's get-out-the-vote effort heads to Bowie State University. (Oct. 31, 2002;
5:30 minutes)
Rep. Robert Ehrlich talks about his plans for the budget, should he be elected governor. (Oct. 30, 2002; 2:26 minutes)
Profile of 8th District Democratic congressional candidate Chris Van Hollen (Oct. 25, 2002; 2:25 minutes)
Gun control becomes an issue in the Maryland gubernatorial race (Oct. 24,
2002; 2:23 minutes)
Chris Van Hollen and Rep. Constance Morella discuss negative campaigning in the 8th District race (Oct. 24, 2002;
1:08 minutes)
President Bush brings cash, clap on the back, to GOP gubernatorial candidate Robert Ehrlich; Democrats file complaint against GOP lieutenant governor candidate (Oct. 3, 2002; 3:29 minutes)
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Published 05/15/02; last updated:
11/22/02 01:11 PM
Special report produced
by Kenny Beck;
edited by Chris Harvey (Web) and Steve Crane and Adrianne Flynn (print).
Banner graphics by Kenny Beck.
Copyright © 2002 University of Maryland College of Journalism. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.