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Marylanders on the Midterm Elections


Alice Vorosmarti | Newsline photo by Melissa Pachikara

On a brisk afternoon, Alice Vorosmarti, 38, ate lunch with her son, William, 4, in the outdoor square in downtown Silver Spring.

Vorosmarti, a Democrat and stay-at-home mom, said she thought the upcoming elections were important, especially for the Democrats in trying to gain some control back in Congress.

“I like all the Democratic candidates,” Vorosmarti said. “None of them is like wow to me, but you know, they’re politicians. But yeah, I would vote for all of them with no problems, no questions.”

Vorosmarti says she always votes and plans to go to the polls for the general election despite concerns raised about voting machines during the primaries. She said she had no problems voting during the primaries.

The major issues that concern her most this election season are education, especially with her son starting school next year, transportation, which she says always seems to be getting worse, and crime.

--Melissa Pachikara

Her own words...

ALICE VOROSMARTI talks about the impact campaign mail and phone calls had on her. (20 seconds, RealPlayer file).

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Published Nov. 7, 2006

Copyright © 2006 University of Maryland College of Journalism
Maryland flag image from stock.xchng.

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