Lots of Shaking Gives Pols a
By Emily Haile
Capital News Service
Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2006
WASHINGTON - Worse than holding babies or petting puppies, it's the
parades, with their endless sea of hands to shake, that are the
worst for a politician seeking votes.
Glad-handing, it turns out, can have more than electoral
Touchy-feely politicians can really feel some pain -- from
repetitive stress injuries. That's why the American Occupational
Therapy Association, based in Bethesda, has just published "Grip
and Grin," a tip sheet about preventing such problems.
Doug Gansler, Democratic nominee for Maryland attorney
general, knows firsthand the perils of improper shaking
"Like all politicians, you've gotta stay in the center -- not
squeeze too hard, but not give 'em the 'wet fish,'" said
Gansler, known for his door-to-door personal touch.
For those campaigning heavily, engaging in more than 1,000
shakes a week, "really pressing the flesh," as Maureen Peterson
calls it, there is even more risk.
"The more repetition there is, the more apt you are to have
an issue," said Peterson, chief professional affairs officer at
the American Occupational Therapy Association.
Anne McCarthy, Republican candidate for comptroller, searched
for words to describe some of the doozies she's gotten --
mangled, squashed -- grips so menacing that she wanted to shake
her own hand in pain.
"But I'm in public and I'm not about to.
Tears almost come to my eyes and I'm thinking -- Why?"
Despite the hazards for all pols, it is just those the
association has endorsed who receive the brochure in the mail.
The rest, it seems, are out of luck. So, in the interest of
bipartisan camaraderie, here are some of the tips.
To guard against a stress injury, the pamphlet recommends
that movers and shakers take frequent breaks to relax. Shrug
your shoulders, hold for 10 seconds and repeat three times.
Election hopefuls can stay limber and prevent pain by doing
hand-strengthening exercises such as flexing with a foam ball or
squeezing their hands into a fist slowly.
Paying attention to body mechanics such as posture and grip
can help a politico avoid injury. It helps to be in good shape
to begin with, said Peterson.
But in the frenzy of campaigning, even those with the
greatest electoral fitness can be susceptible.
It's impossible to anchor arms properly -- they're just
"flailin' in the wind" -- when a grandstander grabs up toward
bleachers or elbows deep inside a crowd, Peterson said.
The wrist is particularly susceptible to injury, so the
brochure advises political hopefuls to use the entire arm, keep
the elbow at a 90-degree angle and break the handshake quickly.
Gansler campaigned heavily before the primary by knocking on
doors, particularly in Southern Maryland. One day he attended
three consecutive parades.
"I felt like it had been crushed. There's always the
wise-aleck that wants to give you the squeeze."
Because grips vary from person to person, politicians must do
as they are wont: Take control of the situation.
"Rather than letting yourself be grabbed any old which way,"
switch it up and place an arm around someone's shoulder instead,
Peterson suggested.
If that doesn't work, occupational therapists recommend
changing hands, or, as a last resort, make the hands off-limits
by holding a large object or wearing a drugstore splint.
If sore from baby-kissing, clenching, speech writing, or
other strenuous activities, the pamphlet advises aspirants to
"declare a recess."
When pain goes unacknowledged, it could become chronic, said
Peterson. If numbness or tingling persists, see your favorite
occupational therapist.
Kevin Zeese, the third-party candidate for U.S. Senate,
prefers to hand out fliers rather than shake hands. With flu
season just around the corner, it avoids the need to clean hands
constantly to ward off illness. He's known politicians to carry
around baby wipes.
There is an upside to campaign aches, Gansler says. "It means you've worked that day."
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