History Calls Steele to Senate
By Leticia Linn
Capital News Service
Friday, Nov. 3, 2006
WASHINGTON - It is very hard not to like him. Tall and good-looking,
articulate and energetic, always with a broad smile, Michael
Steele is fighting to be the first black U.S. senator of the
It is also hard to discover that Steele is the Republican
candidate -- at least from his advertisements that fail to
mention his party. He knows that winning the race in a
Democratic state means distancing himself from any association
with the unpopular Bush administration.
Steele, 48, says he is the outsider charged with bringing
"real change" to Washington, D.C., because he hasn't been in
politics long. In fact, he became Maryland's first black
lieutenant governor after Gov. Robert Ehrlich picked him as his
running mate in 2002, and before that he led the state
Republican Party.
But he's running against a man -- Democrat Rep. Ben Cardin --
with a 40-year political career, first in Maryland's General
Assembly and then in Congress.
Michael Steele
Age: 48
Party Affiliation: Republican
Education: Bachelor's degree,
Johns Hopkins University; law degree, Georgetown
Experience: Lieutenant governor
of Maryland since 2003; Maryland Republican Party
chairman, 2000; Prince George's County Republican Party
chairman, 1994; lawyer, 1991; paralegal, 1984; novice at
the Order of Augustine. 1981-1983.
Family: Wife, Andrea Derritt;
two teenaged sons, Michael and Drew.
The lieutenant governor tries to avoid getting into issues
like embryonic stem cell research, saying he wants to walk
around Maryland and listen to people's worries before acting in
the Senate.
"I am the product of love and hard work," Steele said when
urged by Cardin to define who he was during one debate.
He told The New York Times Magazine in March: "I'm black. I'm
a Republican. I'm a father, a husband, a former seminarian."
Steele has also worked hard to erode one of the Democratic
power bases in Maryland -- black voters who reliably vote
Democratic. Steele gained the endorsement of several Democratic
black leaders, and he has been fighting hard in his home county,
Prince George's, which is largely black and which has become one
of the election's biggest battlegrounds.
He lives in Largo with his wife, Andrea Derritt -- they met
at Johns Hopkins University -- and his two teenaged children,
Michael and Drew.
Steele was born at Andrews Air Force Base and was raised in
Northwest Washington, D.C., by his mother, Maebell Turner. She
worked in a laundromat to support her two children, Michael and
his sister, Monica Turner, a pediatrician and ex-wife of former
boxing champ Mike Tyson.
Years later, Steele asked his mother why she did not take
welfare assistance, he recalled in an interview with The Johns
Hopkins Magazine in April 2005. "I didn't want the government
raising my children," she said.
Steele went to St. Gabriel's Elementary and Archbishop
Carroll High School, where he practiced theatre for several
years and cultivated his Roman-Catholic faith.
In 1977, he entered the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore
with a partial scholarship, according to The Baltimore Sun, and
got a bachelor's degree in international relations in 1981.
During those first years at the university, he signed on for
drama productions and was freshman class president. His studies
suffered the consequences of his active social life, and the
university asked him to leave, Steele told the Hopkins magazine.
"Well, I don't care what you do, and I don't care how you do
it. But you will be back at Johns Hopkins come September,"
answered Maebell Turner, when Steele told her the news. He
enrolled in summer courses at George Washington University and
got all A's, and then returned to Hopkins.
Seeing Steele now in his sharkskin suits, pocket square and
tasseled loafers, it is hard to imagine that he once wore the
white tunic of the Augustinian Order. But he did while studying
for the priesthood at a monastery after he finished college.
After three years at the order, he decided to leave the habit
behind, although not the faith, one of the key elements in his
"It came down to, 'Am I called to serve the people of God as
a priest or in a business suit?'" he said to The Baltimore Sun
in 2002.
Steele changed the path of his career to law. He got his
degree at Georgetown in 1991. He worked for a D.C. law office
and then for the Mills Corp., the real estate company.
His choice of the Republican Party was difficult for his
family of Roosevelt Democrats to understand, Steel has said.
"My mom, when I told her I was Republican, asked me 'Why?'"
he told students at Howard University in May, according to
Associated Press. "I researched the history of both parties. And
whether you like it or not . . . the political origins of the
African-American community are with the Republican Party."
One of his most precious possessions is an autographed
portrait of President Reagan.
"If you listened to the man, he made a lot of sense. He
talked about the core values my mother and grandmother talked
about. For me, the party was a very, very comfortable fit," he
told The Sun.
But it was not until the late 1990s that he got more involved
in party activities. When Steele first joined the Prince
George's County Republicans in a dinner during 1988, the welcome
was cold, Steele described in several interviews.
His determination propelled him to the chairmanship of the
Prince George's County Republican Central Committee in 1994.
Four years later, Steele ran for the Republican comptroller
nomination, but he finished third.
While he explored other options, in December 2000 Steele
became the second black person to chair the Maryland Republican
Party. He started working on one of his ambitions: expand the
party across the state, especially to black voters.
Two years later, he got the chance he was waiting for when
Ehrlich invited him to be his running mate. They won and Steele
made history as the first black person to hold that position.
His high profile as lieutenant governor served him well, and
he was encouraged and blessed by the Bush administration in his
run for Senate, Steele recalled in the New York Times Magazine.
Yet, Steele does not talk about those contacts anymore or
even about Bush policies. He just says that the U.S. Senate race
is against him, not Bush. "I'm conservative, but I'm also
moderate," he said to The Times Magazine. "As I like to tell
people, I'm a little bit hip hop and a little bit Frank
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