Third-Party Candidate Brings
Passion to Race Against Hoyer
By Emily Haile
Capital News Service
Friday, Oct. 6, 2006
WASHINGTON - Steve Warner stopped commuting to Washington from Southern
Maryland so he could make pancakes for his children every
morning. But the 41-year-old construction manager is prepared to
start commuting again -- if it's to the Capitol.
Warner is running as a Green Party candidate for Congress in
Maryland's 5th District against the area's longest-serving
congressman and second-ranking House Democrat, Steny Hoyer.
Some say he's crazy to run against such a powerful incumbent,
but Warner is undaunted. He's worked hard his whole life.
He and nine siblings grew up milking cows by hand on the
family's hobby farm in Connecticut.
After a five-year stint in the U.S. Naval Construction Force
and a few years in the family construction business, he got a
degree in engineering from Arizona State University and started
his own company.
He now manages finances for Duball LLC, a
Virginia-based development firm with offices in California, Md.
Warner lives nearby in Solomons with his wife of 10 years,
Shuchita Warner, their 5-year-old daughter, Saejal, and
7-year-old son, Sheanan.
He builds furniture and tinkers with his white, 1962 Ford
Thunderbird convertible in his spare time.
Though he's never run for office or been formally involved in
any civic or professional associations, Warner says his
experience managing multi-million-dollar development projects
has given him the ability to get things done on a grand scale.
A few years back, he was a senior project manager for the
development of Gallery Place, a $200 million retail space in the
heart of Washington, D.C.
Warner wants to get "new blood" into Congress. Though he
can't pinpoint what exactly drove him to run this year, he said
a combination of his turning 40, improving the world for his
young children and his frustration with the handling of various
issues propelled him into the race.
He talks passionately about working-class people forced to
live paycheck to paycheck, and wants politicians to be held
accountable to them.
"He's had to work very hard for really everything that he's
achieved in his life," said his wife, who met him while he was
working his way through school.
In 2001, the couple moved to Southern Maryland to raise their
family. About six months ago, the local Green Party agreed to
back him.
That support came without dollar signs: Warner has raised
less than $2,000 to Hoyer's $1.8 million, according to the
Center for Responsive Politics.
Given the limited funding, his style is grass roots. He's
campaigned at Metro stops, held signs at busy intersections and
handed out fliers at local Loews, Home Depots, Targets and
"He's put a lot of energy into his campaign," said Chris
Schmitthenner, a member of the Green Party's Southern Maryland
chapter. She described Warner as "a regular guy," a family man
who is very approachable. She said he's serious about the
issues, but also has a sense of humor.
Even that energy may not be enough to overcome Hoyer's power
of incumbency.
"There are a lot of very competitive races in this area, and
this is not one of them," said Zach Messitte, a political
science professor at St. Mary's College of Maryland.
Hoyer is much more than an entrenched officeholder, said
Messitte. "He's the godfather of the Maryland Democratic Party."
Moreover, his protection of the Patuxent Naval Air Station
has earned him respect across party lines.
If Warner is running to win, it's "silly," Messitte said, but
if he's running to raise awareness about issues that he feels
are particularly important, that's more credible.
"I believe I do have a chance," Warner said. "You don't have
a chance if you don't involve yourself."
Foremost on Warner's list of issues is cleaning house.
"Career politicians become polluted by the system and can no
longer function as representatives of the people," he said.
Infighting and catering to special interests has eroded
public trust, he said.
"(Hoyer) is one of the top leaders of the 'Do-Nothing
Congress'," said Warner, using Hoyer's catch-phrase to describe
the Republican-controlled House. "He's become part of the problem."
Warner is so idealistic that he's rejecting money from
environmental groups because he says they represent causes or
corporations, rather than people. He only accepts donations from
Messitte says that's not the way the game is played.
"Raising money is a fact of politics," said Messitte. "Even
the Supreme Court has said so."
Values are more important, Warner said.
"Just because something is a challenge doesn't mean it
shouldn't be done," he said. "With persistence, Goliath fell."
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