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John McCain

Barack Obama

Presidential candidates Sen. John McCain (left) and Sen. Barack Obama (Newsline file photos)

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Special Report: Elections '08

Which Presidential Candidate Is for You?

By Jasmine Jernberg and Avital Medoff
Maryland Newsline
Thursday, Oct. 30, 2008

This year's historic election pits Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., against Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. Guage how close your positions align with theirs. Select the positions below that best resemble your own and then click "get score" to see who you're most like.

    1. Unlike other industrialized countries, the United States does not provide universal health care. Should we ensure that all Americans have health insurance? 

Yes. It is the government’s responsibility to make health care available to every American. I support a plan under which those who are already insured can choose to continue receiving care under their provider, while those who are uninsured can enroll in a public plan. Young adults up to age 25 should be able to receive coverage under their parents’ plans.       No. Changing to a universal health care plan would just create a government monopoly with the same inefficiencies as the current system. Instead, the government should continue giving tax breaks to employers who provide health insurance for their workers. I also support offering Americans the option of receiving an annual tax credit of up to $5,000 sent directly to a privately selected insurance provider.  

    2. The United States invaded Iraq in March 2003 and has had troops there since. Should American troops stay or go?

I want to bring the troops home soon, but only after determining—based on the advice of military experts and Iraqi government officials—that Iraq is stable. We can’t name a specific year as a troop withdrawal date.

I support the removal of all American combat troops from Iraq by the summer of 2010, at a pace of one to two brigades a month. Although we should not have a permanent base in Iraq, some troops should remain to fight al Qaeda and protect American diplomatic and civilian personnel.

    3. How can we become energy independent? Should America explore alternative energy sources? 
 America should eliminate its dependence on foreign oil by drilling in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve and in other areas under American jurisdiction. We should also invest in renewable energy sources like wind power, solar power and next-generation biofuels.
I support an “all-of-the-above strategy”: We should work toward future independence by giving tax credits and grants to companies investing in alternative energies. But we should also drill domestically to increase the oil flow right now and expand traditional energy sources like clean coal and nuclear power.

    4. How should the new administration treat taxes on capital gains?

The government should maintain the 15 percent rates on dividends and capital gains.

 I believe we should completely eliminate capital gains taxes for investments in small businesses and start-ups.

    5. How do you think the next president could help manage the mortgage crisis?    

 I think the next president should protect Americans from predatory lenders by assuring accountability in the mortgage industry and closing bankruptcy loopholes. I also support a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures so we can stabilize the market.

I believe the next president should allow credit-worthy homeowners struggling with subprime loans taken after 2005 to trade for more manageable mortgages that reflect their homes’ market value.   

    6. How do you feel about abortion, a woman’s right to choose and Roe vs. Wade?

I think women should have the right to choose. The government should increase access to contraception, health information and preventive services to help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies.    Roe vs. Wade should be overturned so the abortion issue can be decided by the states. It should be the responsibility of community- and faith-based organizations to end abortion at the state level.

    7. Border security and immigration are important to our national security. How do you think the next president should deal with our borders? 

Though we'll never be able to completely secure our borders, the first thing we need to do is secure them as much as possible. The second step is to develop programs that allow the immigrants who are already in the country to work toward citizenship by presenting proper documentation, attending English language classes, and paying fines and back taxes. I think we should secure our borders and ports with additional personnel, infrastructure and technology. The government should penalize employers who hire illegal immigrants. We should also do more to promote economic development in Mexico as a way of reducing the number of people entering the country illegally.



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Copyright © 2008 University of Maryland Philip Merrill College of Journalism

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