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Lurita Johnson; Baltimore city school teacher

Lurita Johnson (wearing a hat she made during the evening inaugural celebration) is an elementary school teacher in Baltimore and serves as a vice president for the city's teacher's union. Johnson says she came to the celebration with a fellow teacher to show support for the new administration.

"We just came out here because we supported our new governor and his bid for election and because we need to change our school system around," to ensure that every child is receiving a quality education, she said.


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 Published Jan. 18, 2007.

Photos and text by Diego Mantilla (reporting from Greenbelt and Annapolis) and Hortense Barber (reporting from Baltimore).

Copyright © 2007 University of Maryland Philip Merrill College of Journalism

Banner graphic by Hortense Barber; Maryland flag courtesy of ITA's Flags of All Countries. Martin O'Malley and Anthony Brown headshots courtesy the Maryland State Archives.

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