Lonny Fanning, a student at Croom Vocational High School, helps build a bathroom cabinet as part of a student-built house project. More photos in slide show. (Photo by Maryland Newsline's Madhu Rajaraman)
Murder in Prince George's: Residents in Hotspots Live in Fear of Violence
Thirty-five people were killed in Prince George's County in the first four months of 2011. Police increased staffing, but residents in areas such as Langley Park worry about their families' safety. Special Report
1,500 Homicides Grow Cold in County
Of the 3,029 homicides in Prince George's between 1980 and 2000, police have not identified an offender in 1,517 of the cases, leaving a mountainous caseload for cold-case detectives.
- With New Teacher Contract in Baltimore, Lots of Unknowns
- Small Lobbying Shops, Nonprofits, Priced Out of Legislative Meals
- Maryland Professor Tapped for Japan Relief Efforts
- Van Hollen Sues FEC to Disclose Election Contributors
- Watson's Artificial Intelligence Being Directed Toward Medicine
- Arson, Then Foreclosures, Plague Indian Head Subdivision
- 'Feel-Good' Tubman Statue Bill Shelved
- Special Session Could Turn Toward Transportation Funding
- Muslims in Maryland Face Challenges
- Bartlett 'Sanctuary' Plan Would Rescue Chimps, Taxpayers
- Lawmakers Fight Illegal Immigration with State-by-State Strategy

Fourth graders celebrate Arbor Day by planting trees in Rockville.

Students work to create a trash-free Potomac by pulling garbage from Rock Creek.

University of Maryland students construct a solar home for an international competition.
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Last updated: May 18, 2011
Banner graphic designed by Maryland Newsline's Kelly Martini; home page and story templates designed by Maryland Newsline's Ben Giles, Zettler Clay IV and the Newsline editing team.
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