A Ride to Remember

On a slightly drizzly morning
Sept. 14, about 1,200 bikers converged on the Harley-
Davidson/Buell store on Baltimore's Pulaski Highway. They had come to
participate in
the third annual "Ride to Remember," an hour-long trip around the Baltimore
Beltway (I-695) that the store organized to raise money for the Heroes of Flight 93 Fund.
The riders collectively donated roughly $34,000;
most gave at least $25.
The money will help build and maintain a memorial
Shanksville, Pa., for the 40 passengers and crew
of United Flight 93 who died Sept. 11, 2001, after terrorists took
control of their plane.
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Photos, layout and text
by Kyle Orland. Edited by Chris Harvey. Published Oct. 3, 2003.
Copyright ©
University of Maryland Philip
Merrill College of
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